FIFDH Impact Days – SHE in official Selection
We are so proud!!! SHE women workers from Vietnam + Nimble fingers SHE has been selected for FIFDH Genève Impact Days 2023! We have an important opportunity to confirm that our way of making films is also activism, it is about changing the world and making an impact in this change.
“From the 110 international documentary projects submitted, our selected 16 represent directors from 14 different countries.
Different stories. Different parts of the world. Different voices. But one common goal unites each of the filmmakers behind these powerful stories: to improve the lives of the participants and the communities they represent by effectively addressing the root causes of their struggles.
We believe these films have the power to motivate change and would like to thank our selection committee for their help in identifying them
The teams from the selected films will develop their impact campaigns through our Impact Lab and will be connected with strategic impact partners during the13-14 March 2023 Impact Days in Geneva.”
See you in Geneva!
Thank you FIFDH Genève, Impact Social Club, Movies that Matter, Sunny Side of the Doc, Madeleine Leroyer, Laura Longobardi
